- Wise Words - Webinar: Difficult Situations & Curing Workplace Discomfort by fergus mellon
Wouldn’t it be great if we never dealt with people we didn’t like?
If everything was black and white, clearly set out for us, and we knew the exact “road” we should be taking? If only it was all very clean and clear. In the same way that difficult times arise in our personal lives, we know that in our professional lives we frequently will face and need to navigate through uncomfortable situations and events.
There is much in the workplace that makes for uncomfortable situations.
We may need to have that conversation with a co-worker who has crossed us (or we may have crossed them). We may be faced with the ups and downs of layoffs, our own mistakes, or even project fails. Dealing with, and succeeding in spite of, these issues is what sets many successful professionals apart from the pack.
This webinar, in partnership with Georgetown University sets out ideas for how to mitigate and succeed in situations of workplace discomfort. Though workplace issues are unlikely ever to be completely solved, the discomfort associated with them can be cured so that they do not become a barrier to your success.
Fergus Mellon is author of Early Stage Professional: starting off right. He is also a digital media executive and has worked at a mix of large media companies (AOL, Gannett), start-ups (PebblePost, Meebo, Federated Media) as well as adtech (Criteo, Rubicon Project).
In the first 5 years or so of your career? Want actionable career advice? Buy Early Stage Professional: starting off right, the no nonsense professional skills book designed so that you can succeed in the workplace!